The question “how much money to do I need to save for my retirement” is always a very popular one. Planning your retirement is a must. This way, you are sure that you will still have the same standard of living when you retire from your job.

Have you ever heard of “saving for the rainy day”? The rainy day will come soon. We are not young forever. Therefore, the act of making money cannot last for a very long time. When you’re old, you simply cannot do that anymore. So, while we are still young, we need to make sure that we have a retirement plan to stay on the safe side.

One of the best ways to help you determine how much money you should save, aside from the basic rule of thumb of retirement, is to make a more detailed estimate basing on your current situation. Therefore, you need to find out what expenses you will have in your retirement, including the ones that you won’t have. This includes pinpointing the sources of income you will lose and gain, and the changes of lifestyle that you may possibly have.

What you want to do during retirement can determine your income needs. Perhaps you want to move or buy another house, travel around the world, start a business, etc. The plans that you have in the future will determine how much money you need for your retirement.

The only glitch to this method is that it may only work best for those who are reaching retirement say five to ten years from now. it may be difficult to get a good, more real hold of your financial needs beyond 5 to 10 years because a lot of things may still change, including tax laws. For those who are in their early 20s or 40s, we may rely so much on our assumptions. A lot of us want to plan ahead, but we should also take considerations of the disadvantage in doing so. We do not want to retire broke, right? if you’re still not sure, you can consult a financial adviser. 

Visit Deborah Koval for more information about this subject.

8/16/2014 03:32:09 pm

The rainy day will come soon. We are not young forever. Therefore, the act of making money cannot last for a very long time. When you’re old, you simply cannot do that anymore. So, while we are still young, we need to make sure that we have a retirement plan to stay on the safe side.

7/1/2016 04:58:53 am

Thank you for your post!This tutorial is fabulous! Lots of great info including, Planning for retirement is similar to how you’ve approached every other concern throughout your life.Also you take the advises from retirement plan advisors who have more concerns you’ve had, the better equipped you may be to cope and
problem solve.


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